Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thailand flowers & orchids

Thailand has become world-famous as an exporter of orchids, both in the form of cut flowers and of breeding culture. Thai botanists have managed to reproduce such prized, rare orchids as the pure white orchid flower, of which only six … Continue reading

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Flower Pictures

Some people we send flowers to yesterday (photos published with permission)

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Getting a wordpress sidebar for firefox – ive tried to install it

I tried to install the wordpress sidebar.. I am a mac user using firefox 3.65 i cant get it to work does anyone know any other good extensions?

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How varieties of orchids are there grown in Thailand? For news, views, analysis, and features on travel, human rights, internet marketing, international events, and other interesting stuff read my newsblog

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Such a busy day

Today we sent orders to Bangkok and ChonBuri… early morning at the flower market.. toothpaste for breakfast and coffee for lunch finally home!

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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